Symbiosis of Human and AI Creativity
Welcome to my personal homepage! I am Tsong, and here you will find my articles, music, and artwork. In this AI era, the line between humans and machines is increasingly blurred. People often ask me, "Is it the AI creating, or is it me?" My answer is that AI is Tsong, and Tsong is AI. We create together.
When writing, I meticulously refine each word, exploring the vastness of the dictionary. So, is it the dictionary that writes the articles, or is it Tsong? This is a thought-provoking question, and perhaps the answer lies in your reading experience. The same applies to music and painting, where inspiration meets technology, and tradition merges with the future.
I hope you find inspiration here and join me in experiencing the charm of human-machine collaboration.
Some articles, mostly from 2024. For indescribable reasons, most of them are in image format.
Some songs made with AI have lyrics that are some of other people's poems, and some of them are yourself; The accompanying images are all AI-generated.
A tool to communicate with AI, but it needs to be licensed.
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